Anticipation and Expectations
This client was so excited about getting his new prosthetic finger, he couldn’t sleep the night before his appointment. We’re happy to meet his expectations!
This client was so excited about getting his new prosthetic finger, he couldn’t sleep the night before his appointment. We’re happy to meet his expectations!
This client has been married for years. However, this is the first time she’s had a left hand to place her engagement ring on. She even brought her ring in so we could custom sculpt her ring finger to make sure it fit! We are happy to take special requests and make accommodations to fulfill…
The types of amputations we see vary as greatly as our clients’ personalities. Each person has their own expectations for the appearance, functionality and primary purpose of their prosthesis. This client’s needs meant we ended the prosthesis at an unconventional point in the middle of their knuckle. The results were outstanding and exactly what we…
This partial hand client is active at work and her remaining index finger is vital to her daily activities. Based on aesthetics alone, we would choose to encapsulate the finger into a solid glove to avoid extra seams. When interviewing her about her needs and expectations, we determined that a separate finger prosthesis would be…
This client traveled to us from out of state. She had three highly realistic prosthetic fingers created as well as a utility hand. Having prostheses made isn’t just about restoring the look of the fingers she lost. These prostheses are about playing with the kids in her family and not feeling like she has to…
This client has been a prosthesis wearer for many years and traveled cross-country to California to have us create a right partial foot for her. She expressed her feelings of having a new prosthesis made as, “More exciting than getting a new car.”
T-shirts, hats, bumper stickers and flags; there are many ways to show pride for your favorite football team but, how many people can boast a custom prosthetic finger to support their club? This effervescent client wanted the best of both worlds. He got a fully realistic prosthesis as well as this utility prosthesis. He does…